mandag 2. januar 2012

Ny post på facebook fan side!

Vet jeg ikke har noen followers enda, men men... 

På Søndag kl. 18:23
Happy 2012! One week until the next new episode of Heartland on Jan. 8. Here is a photo from it, with Jack and Tim seeing something that really gets under Jack's skin.

Meanwhile - you can see we are nearly at 92,000 fans. You have exactly 2 weeks to guess when this page will reach its 100,000th fan. One lucky person who guesses correctly will get to chat with Amber Marshall, star of Heartland. To enter go to . Its open to everyone, but you can only enter once.
Fort dere å bli med! Dette er en sjanse for alle, hva tror dere datoen er av når de får den 100.000 fansen?
Jeg tror sånn rundt 5 februar jeg da :) 

Linda bekkerud xx